An exhibition is temporary, unless the exhibit is concerning the decay of the subject in perpetuity; decay without external forces changing the meaning of the original premise.
The Art Hotel formed within a decaying structure formerly supporting short-term residential needs. Once the artists, and by proxy, their art, moved into the Art Hotel, that decay became the canvas for their interpretation, augmentation and ultimately, exhibition. But to contrast to my initial statement, the temporary exhibition is not temporary in that it’s now included in this catalogue; the exhibition moves from temporary physical into the permanent subjective (memory), and the permanent recording on paper with ink.
One can view this experience phenomenologically (and you should, you singular sentient being) – as you are doing right now – and determine that while the entire experience is not carried forward, holding this book represents an experience as varied as received by those attending the actual event. The Virtual Art Hotel adds a new level of distinction to the phenomenological construct of temporary. The Virtual Art Hotel was an entirely virtual experience that no longer exists in its form and cannot be truly understood from still images. In fact, the resolution of the images contained in this record are limited to the resolution of the displaying screen (screen-shot) with the medium relying on movement to augment the depth of resolution.
Thousands of people were able to experience the Virtual Art Hotel online during its exhibition run, but outside of the subjective memories of the viewers, and the experience of the team that created the online exhibition, the Virtual Art Hotel is beyond perception, never to return.
-Jason A. Silva

Placing scanner targets.
On March 12, 2016 the Virtual Art Hotel was taken offline and all data was erased.
The Virtual Art Hotel is a project created by design principal Jason A. Silva, AIA. Laser scanning was lead by Chad Garcia, design technology director, with modeling by Gabe Bardales. Visit the project at